39 Articles of New Age Faith: The New World Order’s ‘United’ Religions Initiative

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Here is the second part of an address to the plenary assembly of the pontifical academy of social sciences, delivered at the Vatican on May 1, 2009:

Obama and Blair. Messianism reinterpreted

by Michel Schooyans

Remake religion? Remake Christianity?

President Obama can count on support for these programs from Tony Blair and his wife Cherie Booth. One of the aims of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, the think tank founded by the former British prime minister, will be that of remaking the major religions, just as his colleague Barack Obama will remake global society. With this purpose, the foundation in question will try to expand the “new rights,” using the world religions for this end and adapting these for their new duties. The religions will have to be reduced to the same common denominator, which means stripping them of their identity. This cannot be done without establishing international law as inspired by Hans Kelsen (1881-1973), and charged with approving all of the laws of sovereign nations. This system of law will also have to be imposed on the world religions in such a way that the new “faith” may be the unifying principle of global society. This new “faith,” this unifying principle, must allow the advancement of the Millennium Development Goals. These goals include “Promote gender equality and empower women” (number 3) and “Improve maternal health” (number 5). We know very well what these expressions cover and imply. The launching of the Foundation’s program has been announced with a campaign against malaria. This is part of goal number 6: “Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.” The announcement was made in such a way that subscribing to this campaign will mean subscribing to the Millennium Development Goals as a whole.

In fact, Tony Blair’s project extends and amplifies the United Religions Initiative, which appeared several years ago. It also extends the Global Ethic Declaration, one of the main proponents of which is Hans Küng. This plan cannot be realized except at the price of the sacrifice of religious freedom, of the imposition of a “politically correct” interpretation of the Sacred Scriptiures, and of the sabotage of the natural foundations of law. Machiavelli had recommended that religion be used for political purposes . . .

The former British prime minister’s highly propagandized “conversion” to Christianity, as well as his interview with the gay magazine “Attitude” in April of 2009, make Tony Blair’s intentions concerning religion even more clear, beginning with the Catholic religion. The Holy Father’s statements, especially about condoms, belong to another generation. The fresh “convert” does not hesitate to explain to the pope not only what he must do, but also what he must believe! Is he Catholic? Blair does not believe in the authority of the pope.

The return of the two-headed eagle

Blair’s project cannot be realized without bringing back into question the distinction and relations between Church and state. This project threatens to set us back to an age in which political power was ascribed the mission of promoting a religious confession, or of changing it. In the case of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, this is also a matter of promoting one and only one religious confession, which a universal, global political power would impose on the entire world. We also recall that the intellectual foundations for the Blair project, impregnated with New Age thinking, were laid by the United Religious Initiative and by the Global Ethic Declaration, and it is supported by many similar foundations.

This project clearly recalls the history of Anglicanism and its foundation by “defender of the faith” Henry VIII. In effect, the realization of this project presupposes the creation of a worldwide government and a global thought police. As has been seen in the case of Barack Obama, the architects of the worldwide government are dedicated to imposing a system of legal positivism that puts law behind a supreme will, which determines the validity of particular laws. In short, if Blair’s project should ever be realized, the agents of the world government would impose, as a new Act of Supremacy, a single religion, validated by the interpreters of the supreme will, the Vicar General of which may already have been found (Hobbes, III, XXXVI).

What the analysis of Barack Obama’s decisions and Tony Blair’s project reveals is that an alliance is coming between two converging intentions, one aimed at subjugating law and the other at subjugating religion. This is the new version of the two-headed eagle. Law and religion are exploited to “legitimize” anything at all.

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