National Post John Ivison: Trudeau’s incoherent gun registry position is a gift to his Liberal rivals Dec 3, 2012 Bro. John Ivison Sometime between now
Month: December 2012
Masonic Queen’s Jubilee List Draws Criticism
Winnipeg Free Press May 18, 2012 Queen’s Jubilee guest list draws criticism due to inclusion of Bahrain, Swaziland kings Raphael Satter, The Associated Press Caption:
VIDEO: Rick Steves Travel Documentary – Iran Yesterday and Today (08:37, 08:41, 08:43)
Uploaded by doostmusic on Feb 23, 2011 To Support Rick Steves’s excellent work please buy his DVD via the following address :… and
YouTube: !Queen Elizabeth! ‘alleged’ to have exchanged private Freemason handshake with former IRA commander during recent visit
Published on Jun 28, 2012 by globalnational Wed, Jun 27: Queen Elizabeth shakes hands with convicted terrorist and former Irish Republican Army commander Martin McGuinness.
BBC: Guernsey Freemason list criticised by Grand Master
BBC Guernsey Freemason list criticised by Grand Master 15 May 2012 Jurat Hodgetts said he felt a list of members should not be published
Indy Vid: Jay Z ‘Illuminati’ Kingpin and ‘Master’ Freemason Exposed
Published on Mar 20, 2012 by TheVigilantChristian Further Reading: Photo of Rapper Jay Z in Masonic Dress at Freemason Church Funeral Service?
4 themes from the ‘New Democrat’ leadership race
CBC News Mar 20, 2012 4 themes from the NDP leadership race By Laura Payton, CBC News Freemason Signs…
‘Sovereigntist’ Bro. Lucien Bouchard takes on Quebec’s ‘general malaise’
CBC News May 20, 2012 Video Grand Entrance (Masonic ‘Cutsign’ @ 01:31) Continue reading ‘Sovereigntist’ Bro. Lucien Bouchard takes on Quebec’s ‘general malaise’
Infowars: JFK Truthers Banned From Dealey Plaza for 50th Anniversary Friday, April 27, 2012 JFK Truthers Banned From Dealey Plaza for 50th Anniversary: Jim Marrs Reports ‘To avoid the carnival atmosphere that has often
Knights of Columbus Official Supplier adds Removal of ‘Hoodwink’ Item from Ceremonial ‘Equipment’ Website, Previously Removed All Images
Current Page Previous Page Further Reading: KOC Supreme Knight Carl Anderson: A Man with a salary to smile about V.I.T.R.O.L. – Alchemical
Bro. Strauss-Kahn accuses Bro. Sarkozy as France vote looms
Yahoo News Sat, Apr 28, 2012 Strauss-Kahn accuses Sarkozy as France vote looms By Rory Mulholland | AFP Two Freemasons: Ex-IMF Pres. Bro. Dominique Strauss
VIDEO: Corruption Within The Knights of Columbus
Uploaded by TVCatholic on Jul 24, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI meets with Cuban leader Bro. Raul Castro
Pre Reading Resources to combat the New Age Divine Appeal 19 Divine Appeal 42 Divine Appeal 57 Published on Mar 28, 2012 by telegraphtv Pope
Bro. Felipe Calderon arrives in Guanajuato, Mexico to greet Pope Benedict XVI
Published on Mar 23, 2012 by telesurtv El papa Benedicto XVI fue recibido por el presidente, Felipe Calderón, en el Aeropuerto Internacional Del Bajío, bajo
Pyramid Scheme: CBC’ Bro. Brian Stewart’s F-35 Masonic Spin Zone
CBC News Brian Stewart: The F-35 fiasco and Ottawa’s culture of secrecy Apr 4, 2012 By Brian Stewart, special to CBC News Two Freemasons:
There are so many Masonic layers of misconduct in the F-35 affair that it is difficult to know where to start Coyne: F-35 debacle demonstrates a system of government in collapse April 4, 2012 By Andrew Coyne, Postmedia News Two Freemasons: Chief of Defense
Jesse Kline on current threats to Internet freedom: The statists strike back
National Post Jesse Kline on current threats to Internet freedom: The statists strike back Mar 6, 2012 Jesse Kline Two Freemasons: Justice Minister Rob
Former US VP Bro. Dick Cheney deems Canada too dangerous for speaking visit
Yahoo News Former U.S. vp Dick Cheney deems Canada too dangerous for speaking visit Mon, 12 Mar, 2012 By Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press
Freemason Bro. Steve Wozniak Considers Return to Apple? Steve Wozniak Considers Return to Apple By Kendra Srivastava | Tue Apr 12, 2011 Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reportedly said he might return
VIDEO: The War of 1812
This documentary shows how the glories of war become enshrined in history. How failures are quickly forgotten and how inconvenient truths are ignored forever. With
Report: Freemason opposition leader Bro. Tony Blair flew to Australia in 1995 to court Bro. Rupert Murdoch newspaper support in exchange for Masonic favours
Globe and Mail July 06, 2011 Phone-hacking scandal likely marks end of media baron’s control of British politics Doug Saunders – London For decades, the
Bro. David Letterman Monologue Secret Freemason Hand Signals
CBS Late Show – Dave’s Monologue – 12/22/08 Masonic ‘Cutsign’ @ 00:14 of clip 2010 he is still masonic ‘gesture’ at it. ‘Bro.’ Paul Shaffer,
Freemason Blago Retrial reaches 8th day in deliberations?
Rod Blagojevich’s corruption retrial are entering their eighth day of deliberations, and it remains unclear how far the panel is from reaching a verdict. (Washington
UK Phone-hacking scandal: Freemason set up network of corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain valuable information Phone-hacking scandal: Jonathan Rees obtained information using dark arts Freemason set up network of corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain
Archbishop of Canterbury at centre of ‘row’ after Freemason appointed Bishop: Report
Telegraph Archbishop allows freemason to be bishop The Archbishop of Canterbury is at the centre of a row after it emerged he had appointed a
Anti-abortion protesters hope Freemason Stephen Harper will re-open debate?
Toronto Sun Anti-abortion protesters hope Harper will re-open debate Thursday, May 12, 2011 By Kristy Kirkup, Parliamentary Bureau Freemason PM Stephen Harper Making Masonic Recognition
Freemason Donald Trump: Freemason Barack Obama Possibly A Muslim
Real Clear Politics March 30, 2011 Donald Trump: Obama Possibly A Muslim Donald Trump speculates that President Obama’s birth certificate may say he is a
Shriners Secret Sub-Group Royal Order of Jesters Named in I.R.S. Probe after F.B.I. D.O.J. Investigation Sat Mar 19, 2011 Jesters Named By Sandy Frost Royal Order of Jesters Vanity Plate The tax man approacheth. Imagine answering the door to
VIDEO: Bro. Marlon Brando Interview, 1973 Bro. Dick Cavett Show
(Handsign by Bro. Cavett @ 00:59, 01:05, 01:16, etc.) Bro. Brando also ‘cuts’ masonic recognition signals during entrance (hand pat on pant thigh) and during
VIDEO: Bro. Charlie Sheen Interview on CNN’s Bro. Piers Morgan Tonight
link to show clip (00:01, 00:03, 00:14, etc.) Bro. Sheen also makes Masonic ‘Cutsign’ Recognition Handsignals (touches briefly his jacket lapel and shirt) as Bro.
C.F.R.’s Bro. Richard Haas: The U.S. Should Keep Out of Libya
Wall Street Journal MARCH 8, 2011. The U.S. Should Keep Out of Libya By RICHARD N. HAASS 'Bro. Gates (R-TX) was and is correct in
Le Scandal: The Arab world’s revolutions have exposed the moral bankruptcy of France’s masonic foreign policy
FP – Foreign Policy Le Scandal The Arab world’s revolutions have exposed the moral bankruptcy of France’s foreign policy. BY ERIC PAPE | FEBRUARY 25,
Bro. Barack Obama shuns the Security Council, over Israel’s settlements policy?
FP – Foreign Policy Obama shuns the Security Council By David Bosco Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Before Egypt’s revolution consumed the world’s diplomatic oxygen, a
Report: Freemason Berlusconi’s `Slavish’ Courtship of Freemason Qaddafi Haunts Italy
Bloomberg News Feb 23, 2011 Berlusconi’s `Slavish’ Courtship of Qaddafi Haunts Italy By Flavia Krause-Jackson Berlusconi shut down the city’s biggest park in June 2009
State of Israel’s foreign policy has depended on regional masonic alliances since Colonial French North Africa era in 1950’s: Report
Jan. 29, 2011 Haaretz Without Egypt, Israel will be left with no friends in Mideast Without Egypt’s Mubarak and with relations with Turkey in shambles,
VIDEO: Freemason Tony Blair arrives at the Iraq Chilcot inquiry, makes Secret Masonic Handsignals
Bro. Blair Freemasonry Grand Entrance ‘cutsigns’ @ 00:28, 00:32
VIDEO: Queen highlights sport, Masonic secret signals, the colour purple, 400th Anniversary of King James Bible, in Christmas Speech
‘Cutsigns’ @ 00:29, etc. Ipso Verso Sighere et Avi Tugurium Clam Structura Further Reading: Protestantism and Freemasonry – The KJV, Bacon, Fludd, Luther, and Rosicrucian
VIDEO: Prince William, Kate to marry in April (Freemasonry Grand Entrance)
Freemason ‘Cutsign’ @ 00:03 – 00:10 of clip
VIDEO: Prince William with Kate Middleton, after Bro. Windsor got his RAF pilot wings (Freemasonry Handsignal)
Prince William Freemason ‘Recognition’ Handsignal (Stockholm Syndrome) @ 00:02 of clip
VIDEO: N.A.T.O. 2010 Lisbon Conference
VIDEO: N.A.T.O. 2010 Lisbon Conference The Brethren having a ‘Grand’ Time… Qabalistic Cabals: 32+1=33, Count em'… Afghanistan President Bro. Hamid ISI/Unocal/CIA-Advisor, N.A.T.O. Secretary General Bro.
VIDEO: Decision Points by Bro. George W. Bush
‘Decision Points is the extraordinary account of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through
VIDEO: Quest For The Lost Tribes of Israel (The Taliban, the Pashtun, the Af-Pak Tribal Area’s)
QUEST FOR THE LOST TRIBES documents filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici’s ambitious quest to solve the mystery of The Lost Tribes of Israel.
A History of Britain, episode 11: The Wrong Empire
A Documentary about Liberty, Trade, Empire and Taxation Written and Presented by Simon Schama >> Episode 11 Continues
The Purely Co-Incidental Masonic Inferences Observed During Pope Benedict’s Scotland-England State Visit Thread (Under Construction)
The Events were organized by UK Catholic Church Officials with input from the Vatican presumably Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Edinburgh Airport Arrival
VIDEO: The Obama Deception HQ Full Length Version: Are Wall Street Financiers Communists? Are Willie Nelson, Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones Freemasons?
Caption: 'Portrait of Brother Andrew Jackson, America's First Grand Master-President' – Jefferson ‘Bible’ Watch ' Was Thomas Jefferson a Freemason? Brother Denslow showed that