Liberals to hold policy convention, but won’t talk about policy

Michael Ignatieff

The Hill Times
March 16th, 2009

Liberals to hold policy convention, but won’t talk about policy

Grits say they’re avoiding making any policy suggestions that the governing Conservatives can copy in the next election

By Harris MacLeod

The federal Liberals will hold a major policy convention in early May, but they are refusing to discuss policy ideas and say they are avoiding making any policy suggestions that the governing Conservatives can copy in the next election.

They say they are keeping their still-developing campaign platform top secret in order to keep the focus squarely on the government amidst the rapidly deteriorating economy.

“What your policies are going to be in an election are announced just before you go into it. You don’t want to provide an opportunity for target practice in the meantime,” said Liberal Senator David Smith, one of four national campaign co-chairs charged with preparing the party for the next election.

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