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California Catholic Daily
March 10, 2009
Is Arnold a ‘cafeteria Catholic’ too? Gov. Schwarzenegger lauds Obama for lifting federal embryonic stem cell funding ban
Arnold Schwarzenegger, California’s “Catholic” governor, issued a statement yesterday praising Barack Obama shortly after the president issued an executive order lifting restrictions on federal funding of human embryonic stem cell research imposed by the Bush Administration.
“President Obama’s executive order is a huge win for the millions of people who suffer from spinal cord injuries, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and many other illnesses,” said Schwarzenegger in a statement released by his press office within hours of the president’s decision. “Californians were the first in the nation to support and fund embryonic stem cell research and we are big believers in the power of this revolutionary science to not only improve but to save lives. Because of the federal ban, California’s world-renown research facilities have had to have separate areas for the federally-funded and the non-federally funded programs, causing duplicative efforts. I applaud President Obama for removing this barrier which allows California to maximize critical research funding so we can continue to lead the world in stem cell research.”
Even though the governor identifies himself as a Catholic, and even though the Church has been crystal clear about the immorality of embryonic stem cell research, Schwarzenegger has been a tireless advocate of such research.