Pope Benedict Continues Crusade For World Government

SmallGovTimes.com Pope continues crusade for world government January 12, 2010 By Cliff Kincaid Brotherhood Gripped, Globalism Grasped Glenn Beck recently said that he was inundated

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Concealed Freemason Member Barack Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Voice of America Obama Peace Prize Award Elicits Praise, Criticism By Michael Bowman Washington 09 October 2009 Global reaction to U.S. President Barack Obama being

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Report: Freemason David Letterman Reveals Extortion Attempt

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VIDEO: 9/11 Conspiracy Files, The Third Tower

The Collapse of the Solomon Brothers Building, WTC 7 The Conspiracy Files delves into the final mystery of 9/11: a third tower at the World

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9/11 VIDEO: Loose Change, Final Cut

Support Loose Change, buy the official version at http://loosechange911.com

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