The Anxious Bench: WHY MASONS MATTER

Patheos  MAY 19, 2014 BY PHILIP JENKINS 19 Comments Recently, John Turner did an important post on the theme of American Religion and Freemasonry. My own interests

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‘A Pig In A Wig’ – UK court affirms right to call a transgender woman a man on Twitter

By Rebel News December 19, 2020 The case centred on mother-of-two Kate Scottow’s comments that a transgender activist named Stephanie Hayden is a “pig in

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The Times: Mafia join Italy’s freemasons to ‘do deals’ with judiciary

Strong links between Italy’s secretive freemasons and the mafia have been exposed by police raids, with 193 crime bosses found to be members of lodges in Calabria and Sicily.

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Bro. Conrad Black: Celebrating the end of the Bro. Mike Duffy ‘farce’ – National Post

My absence in England last week prevented me from celebrating the acquittal of Mike Duffy in this column, but there are a few points still to be made about it. There was never anything wrong with Mike Duffy padding around promoting the Conservative party while a paid-up senator. MPs do that and there is nothing wrong with senators doing it. There was nothing wrong with Nigel Wright paying Duffy’s alleged excesses on his travel expenses.

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PJ Media: Was Jack the Ripper a Mason?

‘Part of the whole ethic of Freemasonry is whatever it is, however it’s done, you protect the brotherhood – and that’s what happened. They weren’t protecting Jack the Ripper, they were protecting the system that Jack the Ripper was threatening. And to protect the system, they had to protect him. And the Ripper knew it.’

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AFP: The legal woes of Bro. Dominique Strauss-Kahn – ‘This case involves a ring of businessmen and police – connected through freemasonry – setting up sex parties in luxury hotel rooms’

As part of the probe into Alderweireld, who runs brothels in Belgium, police uncover an alleged cross-border prostitution ring involving the managers of the luxury Carlton hotel in Lille, local business leaders and police officials.

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VIDEO: MARCUS WELBY, MD – “I’ve Promised You A Father” – Part 7 (Freemason ‘Gestures’ Bro. Robert Young & Producers cough, cough)

Marcus Welby, Freemason Gestures and Signals on Television

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VIDEO: Sandy Frost Masonic/Shriners South American Pedophilia Rings & Charity Fraud Investigations

Cancel the Cabal Internet Radio Published on Jun 17, 2013 superbigbadman2·151 videos Sandy Frost of and comes on the show for the first

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Infowars: JFK Truthers Banned From Dealey Plaza for 50th Anniversary Friday, April 27, 2012 JFK Truthers Banned From Dealey Plaza for 50th Anniversary: Jim Marrs Reports ‘To avoid the carnival atmosphere that has often

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Jesse Kline on current threats to Internet freedom: The statists strike back

National Post Jesse Kline on current threats to Internet freedom: The statists strike back Mar 6, 2012 Jesse Kline Two Freemasons: Justice Minister Rob

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Freemason Blago Retrial reaches 8th day in deliberations?

Rod Blagojevich’s corruption retrial are entering their eighth day of deliberations, and it remains unclear how far the panel is from reaching a verdict. (Washington

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UK Phone-hacking scandal: Freemason set up network of corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain valuable information Phone-hacking scandal: Jonathan Rees obtained information using dark arts Freemason set up network of corrupt police, customs officials, taxmen and bank staff to gain

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Shriners Secret Sub-Group Royal Order of Jesters Named in I.R.S. Probe after F.B.I. D.O.J. Investigation Sat Mar 19, 2011 Jesters Named By Sandy Frost Royal Order of Jesters Vanity Plate The tax man approacheth. Imagine answering the door to

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No need for public inquiry into G20 chaos say Freemason Premier of Ontario and Freemason Mayor of Toronto

Toronto Star Ontario won’t call public inquiry into G20 chaos Mon Jun 28 2010 Rob Ferguson, Tanya Talaga and David Rider Queen’s Park says it’s

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VIDEO: Freemasonry & Police Corruption – Inside the Brotherhood, narrated by Martin Short

Part Two – ‘A Firm in a Firm’

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Ex; Buffalo NY Sherriff Deputy Charged in Freemason Royal Order of Jesters Mann Act Case

Buffalo News Ex-deputy charged in Jesters case June 09, 2010 By Dan Herbeck NEWS STAFF REPORTER The ‘Jesters’ are an internal secret society of Freemason

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