2021 G7 Summit Cornwall, UK – Masonic Signs & Sights

The Queen has held a rare face-to-face audience at Windsor Castle, meeting the Australian prime minister, who told her she was “quite the hit” at the G7 summit.

The monarch chatted to Scott Morrison in the Berkshire royal residence’s Oak Room on Tuesday.

It is the first time the head of state has been photographed carrying out an audience in person, rather than virtually, since March 2020, just before England’s first lockdown.

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Freemason Ranks in the U.S. Army, an American Soldier Speaks

Discussion of how Freemasonry operates in U.S. Army including Masonic Code on Personnel Files. Higher Non-Commissioned Officers said to be dominated by Freemasons. Masonic Membership

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Freemasonry and the Bro. Donald J. Trump Administration: Bro. Larry Kudlow on The V-Shaped Recovery. (VIDEO)

Books American Abundance: The New Economic & Moral Prosperity, 1997, HarperCollins, ISBN 0-8281-1117-0 Bullish On Bush: How George Bush’s Ownership Society Will Make America Stronger, 2004, Rowman &

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LEAKED: Canadian military ordered to salute China President Xi Jinping, alongside North Korea (VIDEO)

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The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception

CBS Reports documentary broadcast January 23, 1982 ‘He has met his ‘Master’ in the Field…’ -President Lyndon Johnson to General William Westmoreland December 23, 1967

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Updated: UK Freemason Posts Photo of Prince Harry wearing Masonic Garb on Twitter on Royal Wedding Day

Portrait in background is The Duke of Kent GM of UGLE during WWII, father of present head of England Freemasonry, the current Duke of Kent, the Queens first cousin and Prince Harry’s Great Uncle. Is this photo legit or photoshopped?

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YouTube: Is Freemasonry Still a Danger Today? – John Salza (Lawyer & Mason of 20 years)

Angelus Press Conference speaker, John Salza talks about his conference entitled ‘Is Freemasonry Still a Danger Today?’

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The Times: Italy clamps down on masons after mafia links exposed

The legislation is being proposed after police raids on the four largest freemasonry orders in Italy discovered 193 mob-linked masons on the orders’ secret membership lists in Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy.

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How the Freemason Harvey Weinstein scandal has become a nightmare for Freemason Ben Affleck, Freemason Matt Damon and Freemason Jimmy Kimmel

The Oscar-winning producer has been accused of sexual abuse and harassment across a period of decades, with stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie coming forward and telling their stories. Weinstein’s alleged behavior has prompted statements from George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon, among others, but many in Hollywood are feigning ignorance. And Affleck and Damon in particular have people really riled up.

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ABC ‘World News Tonight’ with Bro. James Comey and Bro. David Muir

Justin Raimondo: Pro-tip for ‘libertarians’ – If you find yourself on the same side as the C.I.A., the F.B.I., the N.S.A. & Kurt Eichenwald, it’s time to re-evaluate

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Bro. Conrad Black: Celebrating the end of the Bro. Mike Duffy ‘farce’ – National Post

My absence in England last week prevented me from celebrating the acquittal of Mike Duffy in this column, but there are a few points still to be made about it. There was never anything wrong with Mike Duffy padding around promoting the Conservative party while a paid-up senator. MPs do that and there is nothing wrong with senators doing it. There was nothing wrong with Nigel Wright paying Duffy’s alleged excesses on his travel expenses.

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Express: Does hand sign made by Merkel, May and now Juncker prove there is a secret E.U. illuminati?

Conspiracy theory website illuminatiRex lists the diamond sign as number one out of a top-ten of illuminati signs, with Mrs Merkel given her own section for doing it in reverse, in what it describes as the Merkel Raute.

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VIDEO: Bro. Gore Vidal – 1995 BBC Documentary – Episode One (4/4) (Freemason ‘Gesture’)

“Gore Vidal’s Gore Vidal” (Originally broadcast 9th October 1995 on BBC1)

Autobiography of the late Gore Vidal, looking at the life of one of America’s leading literary figures who for years entranced and enraged the US with his outspoken views, novels and essays. This programme follows him around the scenes of his youth.

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VIDEO: Vietnam War Honolulu Conference. President Johnson, Generals Thieu & Bro. Westmoreland Feb 5-7 1966

Published on Apr 10, 2014 US President Lyndon Johnson, South Vietnamese General Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, and US General William Westmoreland meet in 1966 in Honolulu

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VIDEO: MARCUS WELBY, MD – “I’ve Promised You A Father” – Part 7 (Freemason ‘Gestures’ Bro. Robert Young & Producers cough, cough)

Marcus Welby, Freemason Gestures and Signals on Television

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VIDEO: Putin, Poroshenko Shake Hands At Minsk Summit (Freemason Gestures Bro. Alexander Lukashenko)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin shook hands at the start of multilateral talks in Minsk on August 26. It was the first time the two presidents have met since June.

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CBS Sunday Morning runs ‘Inside the Secret World of the Freemasons’ piece again (August 3, 2014)

(CBS News) The Square and Compasses are among the traditional tools of stonemasons. They also form the symbol of a group that has been misunderstood and even maligned for many centuries. This morning, Mo Rocca takes us inside.

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Daily Mail: Why has Bro. David Cameron held eight private conversations with Bro. Tony Blair?

David Cameron has developed a ‘special relationship’ with Tony Blair, holding at least eight conversations with him on how to run the country.

Mr Blair visited Mr Cameron’s official country residence of Chequers last July – a meeting that has previously never been disclosed by Downing Street.

The pair have also had at least seven phone conversations since Mr Cameron took the keys to No10, a rate of around once every three months.

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Dr. Stan Monteith: Secret Beginnings of The Freemasons – Alex Jones Tv

1/2 2/2 www.radioliberty.com †

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Masonic Queen’s Jubilee List Draws Criticism

Winnipeg Free Press May 18, 2012 Queen’s Jubilee guest list draws criticism due to inclusion of Bahrain, Swaziland kings Raphael Satter, The Associated Press Caption:

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VIDEO: Rick Steves Travel Documentary – Iran Yesterday and Today (08:37, 08:41, 08:43)

Uploaded by doostmusic on Feb 23, 2011 To Support Rick Steves’s excellent work please buy his DVD via the following address : http://travelstore.ricksteves.com/catalog/index.cfm?fuseaction=product&th… and http://www.ricksteves.com/iran/

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Indy Vid: Jay Z ‘Illuminati’ Kingpin and ‘Master’ Freemason Exposed

Published on Mar 20, 2012 by TheVigilantChristian   Further Reading: Photo of Rapper Jay Z in Masonic Dress at Freemason Church Funeral Service?

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4 themes from the ‘New Democrat’ leadership race

CBC News Mar 20, 2012 4 themes from the NDP leadership race By Laura Payton, CBC News Freemason Signs…

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‘Sovereigntist’ Bro. Lucien Bouchard takes on Quebec’s ‘general malaise’

CBC News May 20, 2012 Video Grand Entrance (Masonic ‘Cutsign’ @ 01:31)   Continue reading ‘Sovereigntist’ Bro. Lucien Bouchard takes on Quebec’s ‘general malaise’

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Pope Benedict XVI meets with Cuban leader Bro. Raul Castro

Pre Reading Resources to combat the New Age Divine Appeal 19 Divine Appeal 42 Divine Appeal 57 Published on Mar 28, 2012 by telegraphtv Pope

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Bro. Felipe Calderon arrives in Guanajuato, Mexico to greet Pope Benedict XVI

Published on Mar 23, 2012 by telesurtv El papa Benedicto XVI fue recibido por el presidente, Felipe Calderón, en el Aeropuerto Internacional Del Bajío, bajo

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VIDEO: Bro. Fred Thompson AAG Commercial Masonic Twin Pillars Symbols

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Former US VP Bro. Dick Cheney deems Canada too dangerous for speaking visit

Yahoo News http://ca.news.yahoo.com/former-u-vp-dick-cheney-deems-canada-too-202939638.html Former U.S. vp Dick Cheney deems Canada too dangerous for speaking visit Mon, 12 Mar, 2012 By Colin Perkel, The Canadian Press

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Report: Freemason opposition leader Bro. Tony Blair flew to Australia in 1995 to court Bro. Rupert Murdoch newspaper support in exchange for Masonic favours

Globe and Mail July 06, 2011 Phone-hacking scandal likely marks end of media baron’s control of British politics Doug Saunders – London For decades, the

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Bro. David Letterman Monologue Secret Freemason Hand Signals

CBS Late Show – Dave’s Monologue – 12/22/08 Masonic ‘Cutsign’ @ 00:14 of clip 2010 he is still masonic ‘gesture’ at it. ‘Bro.’ Paul Shaffer,

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Freemason Blago Retrial reaches 8th day in deliberations?

Rod Blagojevich’s corruption retrial are entering their eighth day of deliberations, and it remains unclear how far the panel is from reaching a verdict. (Washington

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VIDEO: Bro. Marlon Brando Interview, 1973 Bro. Dick Cavett Show

(Handsign by Bro. Cavett @ 00:59, 01:05, 01:16, etc.) Bro. Brando also ‘cuts’ masonic recognition signals during entrance (hand pat on pant thigh) and during

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Le Scandal: The Arab world’s revolutions have exposed the moral bankruptcy of France’s masonic foreign policy

FP – Foreign Policy Le Scandal The Arab world’s revolutions have exposed the moral bankruptcy of France’s foreign policy. BY ERIC PAPE | FEBRUARY 25,

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Bro. Barack Obama shuns the Security Council, over Israel’s settlements policy?

FP – Foreign Policy Obama shuns the Security Council By David Bosco Tuesday, February 15, 2011 Before Egypt’s revolution consumed the world’s diplomatic oxygen, a

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Report: Freemason Berlusconi’s `Slavish’ Courtship of Freemason Qaddafi Haunts Italy

Bloomberg News Feb 23, 2011 Berlusconi’s `Slavish’ Courtship of Qaddafi Haunts Italy By Flavia Krause-Jackson Berlusconi shut down the city’s biggest park in June 2009

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VIDEO: Freemason Tony Blair arrives at the Iraq Chilcot inquiry, makes Secret Masonic Handsignals

Bro. Blair Freemasonry Grand Entrance ‘cutsigns’ @ 00:28, 00:32

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VIDEO: Queen highlights sport, Masonic secret signals, the colour purple, 400th Anniversary of King James Bible, in Christmas Speech

‘Cutsigns’ @ 00:29, etc. Ipso Verso Sighere et Avi Tugurium Clam Structura Further Reading: Protestantism and Freemasonry – The KJV, Bacon, Fludd, Luther, and Rosicrucian

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VIDEO: Prince William, Kate to marry in April (Freemasonry Grand Entrance)

Freemason ‘Cutsign’ @ 00:03 – 00:10 of clip

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VIDEO: Prince William with Kate Middleton, after Bro. Windsor got his RAF pilot wings (Freemasonry Handsignal)

Prince William Freemason ‘Recognition’ Handsignal (Stockholm Syndrome) @ 00:02 of clip

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VIDEO: Decision Points by Bro. George W. Bush

‘Decision Points is the extraordinary account of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through

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The Purely Co-Incidental Masonic Inferences Observed During Pope Benedict’s Scotland-England State Visit Thread (Under Construction)

The Events were organized by UK Catholic Church Officials with input from the Vatican presumably Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Edinburgh Airport Arrival

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No need for public inquiry into G20 chaos say Freemason Premier of Ontario and Freemason Mayor of Toronto

Toronto Star Ontario won’t call public inquiry into G20 chaos Mon Jun 28 2010 Rob Ferguson, Tanya Talaga and David Rider Queen’s Park says it’s

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Bro. Mulroney’s actions -inappropriate- Bro. Oliphant says

Globe and Mail Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2010 Greg McArthur and Daniel Leblanc Ottawa Freemasons Brian Mulroney PC and Richard Wolson QC, Lead Oliphant ‘Inquiry’ Counsel

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George W. Bush/George H.W. Bush Masonic Handshake

Interesting video clip, also compare to appearance of Congressman Ron Paul on Bill Maher HBO program.

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Civil Marriage Watch: Freemason Larry King seeks 8th divorce

CNN Larry King seeks 8th divorce April 15, 2010 By Alan Duke, CNN Shawn and Larry King attend a party in February. Both cite “irreconcilable

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Freemason Barack Obama hints that two-state solution may be impossible: Report

Salon.com Obama hints that “two-state solution” may be impossible Remarks during arms negotiations show Obama administration’s uncertainty about peace in region Wednesday, Apr 14, 2010

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Dubai police chief seeks Israeli Freemason’s arrest

Radio Netherlands Dubai police chief seeks Israeli PM’s arrest Published on 3 March 2010 – 9:48am Grand Entrance Watch The Israeli secret service, Mossad, has

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Top Turkish Freemasons charged over coup plot

BBC News 25 February 2010 Top Turkish officers charged over ‘coup plot’ Turkey Military Parade Ground Twenty military officers have been formally charged in Turkey

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Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone’s Funny Handshake

Masonic ‘Grip’ Further Reading Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone Freemason Handhsake

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Bro. Rajendra Pachauri’s U.N. IPCC meltdown

IPCC meltdown Finanacial Post Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Peter Foster Vice-President Al Gore 'Cutting' A Secret Freemason Recognition Handsign The Himalayan Glaciers will still be

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