Freemasonry inspired the modern Rosicrucian movement, which notionally claimed to be descended from some evocative mystical/alchemical treatises published in seventeenth century Germany.
Category: The New Age
Gerald Gardner: Legacy of the ‘father of witchcraft’
Gardner’s theories were drawn from numerous sources, including Freemasonry, magical orders such as the Golden Dawn and fellow occultists, including Aleister Crowley.
The Global Warming Computer: Demolay Bro. Clinton & Freemason Al Gore Interviewed by Freemason Charlie Rose…
Charlie Rose sits down to speak with President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore for their first joint interview in years. The conversation took place during a CGI Conversation at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting in New York City.
VIDEO: VISIONNEZ LE FILM EN ENTIER SUR LE J’ai frappé à la porte du Temple || WATCH THE FULL FILM ON I knocked on the door of the Temple
Carmen Labaki·34 videos Uploaded on Sep 15, 2011 VISIONNEZ LE FILM EN ENTIER SUR LE “J’ai frappé à la porte du Temple” FILM DOCUMENTAIRE
Anti-Masonry VIDEO: Filming a Private Collection of Masonic CRAP (Freemasonry, Freemasons, Odd Fellows)
drumr828·239 videos Published on Apr 15, 2012 Well it got a little weird… but I couldnt be shy with my cam. I had to record
National Geographics’ Abandoned Season 1, Episode 9 – New York Masonic Home Exploration
Click steven dudley·516 videos Published on Sep 20, 2012 After failing to find valuable goods at a Tappan, N.Y., Masonic retirement home, the team explores
Freemason Bro. Steve Wozniak Considers Return to Apple? Steve Wozniak Considers Return to Apple By Kendra Srivastava | Tue Apr 12, 2011 Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reportedly said he might return
Report: Freemason opposition leader Bro. Tony Blair flew to Australia in 1995 to court Bro. Rupert Murdoch newspaper support in exchange for Masonic favours
Globe and Mail July 06, 2011 Phone-hacking scandal likely marks end of media baron’s control of British politics Doug Saunders – London For decades, the
VIDEO: Decision Points by Bro. George W. Bush
‘Decision Points is the extraordinary account of America’s 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through
Bro. Rajendra Pachauri’s U.N. IPCC meltdown
IPCC meltdown Finanacial Post Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Peter Foster Vice-President Al Gore 'Cutting' A Secret Freemason Recognition Handsign The Himalayan Glaciers will still be
Pope Benedict Continues Crusade For World Government Pope continues crusade for world government January 12, 2010 By Cliff Kincaid Brotherhood Gripped, Globalism Grasped Glenn Beck recently said that he was inundated
39 Articles of New Age Faith: The New World Order’s ‘United’ Religions Initiative
Chiesa news 8.5.2009 Here is the second part of an address to the plenary assembly of the pontifical academy of social sciences, delivered at the