Does it matter if our leaders are Freemasons? (2013 Article Now Blocked)

In the recent Australian Federal election, both candidates promoted themselves as Christians, and they were happy for everyone to know and believe this. This is even more important in the USA where it is unthinkable for a president to be an atheist or an agnostic. In this regard, Australians are generally more tolerant, and had no problem with the previous prime minister being an atheist. But while the candidates are happy for everyone to think of them as Christian, many of them are also Freemasons, but this is kept secret. So I ask the question, does it matter if our leaders are Freemasons?

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RETWEETED: A David Cameron @David_Cameron Tweet

UK Prime Minister David Cameron Posing For the Camera’s whilst making a secret masonic cutsign (or handsign in plain English)

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