Above: "The Three Pillars Tracing
Incredibly, the symbol used for Satan in Islam is three
During the Hajj, a pilgramage which all Muslims are required to
make at least once in their lifetime, they participate in the
'Stoning of the Devil' ceremony, who is represented by three
giant pillars.
The pillars symbolizing the Devil are at the center of giant
ramps built to accomodate the huge crowds of pilgrams who must
complete the ritual by dusk. Muslim tradition says it was here
that the Devil tried to tempt the Prophet Abraham to disobey God
when he appeared before him and Isaac suddenly.

More details at:
Islam Online
Saudi Arabian Information Resource
Wikipedia Fixed Reference
Yet, one of the most widely used devices inside
Freemasonry to instruct new Masons on the 'Craft', in the first
degree is none other than the "Three Pillars Tracing Board".
Highly honoured Freemason, Albert Pike writes:
"All the truely dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabbalah
and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the
religious dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg,
Saint-Martin and others, is borrowed from Kabbalah, all the
Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols."
(Sovereign Grand Commander of Freemasonry, Albert Pike 33,
"Morals and Dogma", p.744)
In "The Masonic Letter G", Paul Foster Case (Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia [SRIA] adept and founder of Builders of
the Adytum) writes:
"These three Qabalistic pillars are obviously the supports of the
Masonic lodge."

The 'Three Pillars' of Kabbalah

Masonic Tracing Board Artwork
Hiram Abiff, 'The Masonic Christ' as the Fallen Angel Lucifer,
'The Blazing Star'
Further Reading:
Catechisms of the Made