Open warfare among Freemasons
The National Grand Lodge obedience françaiseveut become No. 1. She faces an unprecedented crisis. In a climate of violence and unpacking, the brothers fall in rebellion against the grand master Francois Stifani, his absolute power, his courtship to the Elysee. Investigation.
By Francois Koch
Francois Stifani, grand master of the French National Grand Lodge. His obedience risk a split.
"Speeches range from dirty mouths to dirty ears" John Murat, former assistant grand master, supports the sling. "Schemer and tactician, you dream about a palace coup" Great jumper dress embroidered National Main, 540 euros. |
December 5, 24 Francis Stifani sign orders suspending the "rebels" who had challenged his authority. Comme si de rien n'était, à la Grande Arche de Paris-la Défense, il dirige la tenue solennelle annuelle, devant 2500 participants, des représentants de loges et 58 délégations étrangères. As if nothing had happened, the Grande Arche of Paris La Defense, he directs the annual formal dress, before 2500 participants, representatives of lodges and 58 foreign delegations. De son fauteuil impérial, il lance: "Aimez-vous les uns les autres. J'ai, pour ma part, un sentiment d'ineffable bonheur quand je suis au milieu de vous et j'ai la sensation qu'unis rien ne peut nous arriver!" Of his imperial chair, he yells "Love one another. I, myself, a sense of ineffable happiness when I am among you and I feel united nothing can happen to us! " Etonnante envolée aux accents de gourou menacé par le monde extérieur. Surprising accents of soaring guru threatened by the outside world. Alors que si risque il ya, il ne vient que de l'intérieur. Whereas if there is risk, it only comes from within.
The removal of one of the "troublemakers", Thierry Perrin Tourangeau, an entrepreneur of 65 years and provincial grand master of the Loire Valley, caused a local revolt, which Francis believes he can stifle Stifani ordering, extremely rare decision, the dissolution of the whole province of brothers in 1450. Mais cette sanction, au lieu de calmer la rébellion, fait qu'elle s'intensifie et se répand. But this sanction, rather than quell the rebellion, because it intensifies and spreads. A grande vitesse et à grande échelle, car la révolte s'exprime au travers de moyens modernes de communication: des sites Internet intitulés Le Myosotis se multiplient. At high speed, large-scale, because the revolt is expressed through modern means of communication: websites entitled Le Myosotis multiply.
In their comments, the brothers entered into resistance surfers are alarmed at the rapid pace of recruitment of lay. "C'est la volonté folle et orgueilleuse de dépasser le plus vite possible le Grand Orient", regrette Thierry Perrin. "It is foolish and arrogant will overcome as quickly as possible, the Grand Orient," laments Thierry Perrin. "Nous sommes déjà la première obédience, puisque le GO gonfle ses chiffres, déclarait il ya un an François Stifani à L'Express . La Rue Cadet ne l'accepte pas, car elle veut conserver le leadership politique et social." "We are already the first obedience, since the GO inflates its figures, said a year ago Stifani Francois L'Express . La Rue Cadet does not accept it because it wants to preserve the political and social leadership. " Avec un objectif d'au minimum trois ou quatre initiations par loge chaque année, ce sont donc près de 6000 nouveaux frères par an que la GLNF doit accueillir dans ses temples. With a goal of at least three or four initiations per box each year, are nearly 6000 new year that the brothers GLNF must accommodate in its temples.
In June 2009, the master creates a home affairs committee, whose conclusions, delivered three months later, are alarming: "The growth in numbers, [...] sufficient control, [...] has a life-threatening for the order. " Résultat, Jacques Perret, 68 ans dont la moitié en maçonnerie, est démis de la présidence de la commission. Result, Jacques Perret, 68 years, half masonry, resigned from the chairmanship of the committee. François Stifani l'accuse: "Mauvais esprit, comploteur et manoeuvrier, vous retrouvez les démons du passé, ces rêves de révolution de palais", avant d'ajouter: "Les faits et propos qui m'ont été rapportés ont été communiqués au grand porte-glaive [procureur de la justice maçonnique]." Francois Stifani accuses: "Bad spirit, schemer and tactician, you can find the demons of the past, these dreams about a palace coup", adding: "The facts and statements that were reported to me have been communicated to the general sword-bearer [prosecutor of Masonic justice]. " Le boss de la GLNF a vite le verbe assassin pour ses frères en disgrâce. The boss of the verb quickly GLNF assassin for his brothers in disgrace. Utilise-t-il des "fiches d'évaluation" avec "les points forts et les faiblesses", comme celles qu'il avait demandé, en juillet 2008, aux grands maîtres provinciaux de rédiger sur leurs officiers? He uses the "scorecards" with "the strengths and weaknesses", like those he had asked, in July 2008, the provincial grand masters of their officers to write?
"The headlong rush into the actual race was primarily a financial question," said Jacques Perret. Afin d'accroître le nombre de loges, il faut bien acquérir de nouveaux temples. To increase the number of boxes, we must acquire new temples. Le grand maître a aussi besoin d'argent pour financer sa politique de communication et de relations publiques. The Grand Master also needs money to finance his political communication and public relations. Un appartement de 260 mètres carrés a été acquis avenue de Wagram, à Paris, pour un coût total de près de 2,5 millions d'euros. An apartment of 260 square meters was acquired avenue de Wagram, Paris, for a total cost of nearly $ 2.5 million. "Un lieu de réunion mieux adapté et plus conforme au statut actuel de l'obédience", explique François Stifani à ses frères, dans une lettre interne. "A meeting place better and more consistent with the current status of obedience," said Francois Stifani his brothers, in an internal letter. Il s'agit d'y recevoir "les acteurs majeurs de la société civile, les politiques, les intellectuels ou les religieux, au bénéfice de la renommée de notre maison!". It is to receive "the major players in civil society, politicians, intellectuals or religious, to the benefit of the reputation of our house!". Sur les blogs contestataires, les frangins expriment pourtant leur incompréhension: le siège luxueux de la GLNF n'était-il pas suffisant pour les hôtes de marque de l'obédience? On blogs protesters, the brothers nevertheless express their incomprehension: the luxury seat of GLNF was it not enough for the guests of obedience?
And there's this famous "shadow cabinet" which were included senior officials like William Jublot, Chief of Staff (UMP) by Christian Blanc, Secretary of State for Development of the capital region, or Frédéric Lacave, chief of staff of the prefect the Ile-de-France. Grâce à eux, explique François Stifani, "nous avons rencontré plusieurs ministres, de hauts fonctionnaires, d'importantes autorités spirituelles et religieuses". Thanks to them, says Francois Stifani, "we met with several ministers, senior government officials, important spiritual and religious authorities." Dans quel objectif? For what purpose? "Participer aux réflexions sur les fichiers, les spiritualités, le droit au logement des plus démunis, la lutte contre les exclusions, l'émergence de nouvelles religions, le communautarisme, l'intégration, etc." "Participate in discussions on the files, spirituality, the right to housing the poor, the fight against exclusion, the emergence of new religions, multiculturalism, integration, etc.." Sauf que les frères se demandent légitimement comment de telles contributions peuvent être produites, puisqu'au sein de la GLNF "toute discussion ou controverse politique ou religieuse" est catégoriquement interdite. Except that the brothers legitimately wonder how such contributions can be produced in that, within the GLNF "any discussion or controversial political or religious" is categorically prohibited.
"Francois Stifani donated his obedience to Nicolas Sarkozy"
Last February, reveals The Lettre de L'Expansion, Stifani François Nicolas Sarkozy gave a "report on the organization of Muslims in France, [suggesting] creating a new instance not worship, but a social and independent of any foreign power. " Le grand maître explique au site Internet Hiram.be qu'il a "rencontré différentes personnalités laïques et religieuses et recueilli leur avis" avant de formuler sa proposition, qui "manifeste l'idéal de fraternité universelle porté par les francs-maçons". The grand master says the website Hiram.be he "met different secular and religious personalities and collected their opinions" before making its proposal, which "shows the ideal of universal brotherhood brought by the Freemasons." Au même moment, Brèves, la lettre interne de la GLNF, confirme que la suggestion à Nicolas Sarkozy lui a été faite par François Stifani "en tant que grand maître de l'une des principales obédiences maçonniques françaises". Meanwhile, Brief, the internal newsletter of the GLNF, confirms the suggestion that Nicolas Sarkozy has been made by Francois Stifani "as a great master of a major French Masonic allegiances." Pourtant, un mois plus tard, devant L'Express , ce dernier ne parle plus que d'une "réflexion à titre personnel". Yet a month later, at L'Express, who was speaking more as a "personal reflection". At-il pris conscience d'avoir été trop loin, d'avoir heurté nombre de ses frères peu habitués à de telles interventions au plus haut niveau de l'Etat? He realized he had gone too far, to have hit many of his brothers unaccustomed to such interventions at the highest level of state?
"Francois Stifani stirs many to believe he is the only one who can exert influence as such, observes Alain Bauer, former Grand Master of Grand Orient and close to Nicolas Sarkozy. Upon seeing a counselor Elysium, he offers his services. " C'était bien l'objectif de ce "cabinet fantôme", officiellement dissous depuis janvier dernier: établir des relations entre la GLNF et le monde profane, notamment les cabinets ministériels, un domaine où le GO avait une bonne longueur d'avance. This was the objective of this "shadow cabinet", officially dissolved since last January: building relationships between the GLNF and the secular world, including cabinet ministers, an area where the GO had a good head start. De quoi agacer le patron de la GLNF, surtout parce qu'il se sent en phase avec les options du président de la République. Enough to aggravate the boss of the GLNF, especially because he feels in tune with the options of the President of the Republic. "François Stifani a fait don de son obédience à Nicolas Sarkozy, raille Pierre Lambicchi, grand maître du GO. Mais je ne sache pas que le locataire de l'Elysée ait apprécié." "Francois Stifani donated his obedience to Nicolas Sarkozy, Pierre Lambicchi mocks, grandmaster of GO. But I do not know that the tenant has enjoyed the Elysee." Le patron de la GLNF laisse apparaître sa jalousie de n'avoir "même pas été honoré de la présence d'un ministre ou d'un secrétaire d'Etat", pour la Conférence mondiale des grandes loges régulières de 2006, alors qu'en 2003 le 275 e anniversaire du GO avait attiré le président de la République et la moitié du gouvernement. The boss of the GLNF reveals his jealousy of having "not even been honored by the presence of a minister or a secretary of state" for the World Conference of regular grand lodges of 2006, while in 2003 on the 275th anniversary of GO drew the president and half of the government.
"I have the difficult task of being a spiritual guide"
"In two years, the existence GLNF gained through the media, to console Francois Stifani. It is true that we have taken risks, but we made money priceless image, consideration and respect." La "Rue Pisan" partait de bien bas. The "Pisan Street" started from very low. Au début des années 2000, de nombreux frères de la GLNF sont éclaboussés par des affaires largement médiatisées. In the early 2000s, many brothers GLNF are splashed with high-profile cases. L'obédience est violemment attaquée par Alain Bauer, alors grand maître du GO, qui appelle à la "karchérisation". Obedience is violently attacked by Alain Bauer, Grand Master then the GO, which calls for "karchérisation". Côté Grande Loge de France (GLDF), son grand maître d'alors, Michel Barat, accuse la GLNF d'interdire à ses membres de visiter les autres obédiences... Next Grand Lodge of France (GLDF), then to his great master, Michel Barat, accuses GLNF to prohibit its members to visit the other faiths ... tout en les laissant fréquenter les fraternelles affairistes, notamment celles du BTP. while letting them attend fraternal business people, especially those in construction. Une pleine page de publicité est même achetée dans Le Figaro , afin que ses lecteurs cessent de confondre GLDF et GLNF! A full-page ad is even purchased in Le Figaro, that his readers constantly confused and GLDF GLNF!
The times have changed. Francis and Stifani opened the doors of temples to the television cameras. In May 2009, Canal + shows for the first time held a large box in which hundreds of brothers are worrying "sign of order," a movement of the hand on the neck means "I would rather have his throat cut than to reveal the secrets that were entrusted to me ", and the parade of African dignitaries. The camera lingers on one of them, which gives the great French master envelope and on another, which offers a gift from Cartier. For many brothers, the image is deplorable. Sure, Francois Stifani wets his shirt on television sets. And, sometimes, its true nature transpires: "I have the difficult task of being a spiritual guide, he says in May 2008 to 7 TV viewers Southwest. Brothers expect a lot from me." "We did not need a guru or mentor," have dealt the rebels of December 4, 2009.
"The great master of GLNF comes from consensus to a providential man, declared to L'Express, in 2005 , Francois Stifani, at that time assistant grand master. There is not in our democracy. " Today he is head of the obedience, his speech has changed dramatically, denying what he acknowledged earlier: the GLNF, the Grand Master appoints his heir as part of a monarchical succession. "I had foreseen the autocratic," says Jean Murat, 75, a retired surgeon Touraine. A very high score, given the tradition of sheep-old coterie of dignitaries so happy to wear a blue apron. At the time, little brothers were embarrassed by the decision of Jean-Charles Foellner Varois, 66, who had chosen as his successor tax lawyer, director of the Foellner Holding AG. Ce qui ne dérangeait pas hier scandalise les contestataires d'aujourd'hui, qui font montre d'un étonnant sursaut. That does not bother yesterday shocked the protesters today, which demonstrate a surprising start. "Jean-Charles ne m'a jamais payé 1 euro d'honoraires, se défend François Stifani, et je ne suis dans sa société que pour aider sa femme, djiboutienne, peu rompue aux affaires." "Jean-Charles has never paid 1 euro fee, defends Francois Stifani, and I'm in his company than to help his wife, Djibouti, broken little business." Roukaya Foellner, 30 ans, a en effet été désignée PDG de la holding. Roukaya Foellner, 30, has indeed been appointed CEO of the holding.
"The crisis does not subside without the departure of Francois Stifani," said Jean Murat. Les rebelles, qui prônent aussi une révolution démocratique, espèrent mettre en difficulté leur grand maître le 25 mars prochain, lors de l'assemblée générale où doivent être approuvés les rapports financiers. The rebels, who are also promoting a democratic revolution, hoping to embarrass their great master on March 25, at the general meeting which must be approved financial reports. Avec des institutions monarchiques totalement verrouillées, les insurgés ont très peu de chances de renverser leur grand maître. With monarchical institutions fully locked, the insurgents have very little chance of overthrowing their Grand Master. Mais ils ont gagné la bataille de l'information en brisant la loi du silence maçonnique. But they won the battle of information by breaking the silence Masonic. La boîte de Pandore aux relents nauséeux demeurera ouverte. Pandora's box with the stench nauseated will remain open.
Further Reading:
Freemasonry in France, Belgium (E.U.), Monaco and French Africa