The Rickmansworth (The Royal) Masonic School For Girls (1988)

The Royal Masonic School for Girls is an independent school in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, England, with both day and boarding pupils. The school was instituted in 1788, with the aim of maintaining the daughters of indigent Freemasons, unable through death, illness, or incapacitation to support their families. Since 1978, the school opened to the daughters of non-freemasons, and the name “Masonic” is a now just reference to its past.

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The Lost Symbol: Dan Brown talks about conspiracy theory in Da Vinci Code sequel (2009)

The Lost Symbol is a 2009 novel written by American writer Dan Brown. It is a thriller set in Washington, D.C., after the events of The Da Vinci Code, and relies on Freemasonry for both its recurring theme and its major characters.

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