The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception

CBS Reports documentary broadcast January 23, 1982 ‘He has met his ‘Master’ in the Field…’ -President Lyndon Johnson to General William Westmoreland December 23, 1967

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Freemason David Letterman announces 2015 retirement from CBS ‘Late’ Show

“Late Show” host David Letterman announced his plans to retire “sometime next year,” he said Thursday.

The 66-year-old comedian, who began his late-night career in 1982 when he became the NBC “Late Night” franchise’s first host, made the announcement during a taping of Thursday night’s show.

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CBS: Enter the Secret World of the Freemasons

CBS Sunday Morning Enter the secret world of the Freemasons December 8, 2013, 9:42 AM | The Freemasons are the world’s most well-known secret society,

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Bro. David Letterman Monologue Secret Freemason Hand Signals

CBS Late Show – Dave’s Monologue – 12/22/08 Masonic ‘Cutsign’ @ 00:14 of clip 2010 he is still masonic ‘gesture’ at it. ‘Bro.’ Paul Shaffer,

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