The Anxious Bench: WHY MASONS MATTER

Patheos  MAY 19, 2014 BY PHILIP JENKINS 19 Comments Recently, John Turner did an important post on the theme of American Religion and Freemasonry. My own interests

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YouTube: Is Freemasonry Still a Danger Today? – John Salza (Lawyer & Mason of 20 years)

Angelus Press Conference speaker, John Salza talks about his conference entitled ‘Is Freemasonry Still a Danger Today?’

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Ex; Buffalo NY Sherriff Deputy Charged in Freemason Royal Order of Jesters Mann Act Case

Buffalo News Ex-deputy charged in Jesters case June 09, 2010 By Dan Herbeck NEWS STAFF REPORTER The ‘Jesters’ are an internal secret society of Freemason

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