Guernsey Freemason list criticised by Grand Master
15 May 2012

Jurat Hodgetts said he felt a list of members should not be published
The list was posted on an internet forum and includes the names of a number of former and present politicians, jurats and bailiffs.
Provincial Grand Master David Hodgetts said the publication of the list raised issues regarding data protection laws.
He said: “It shouldn’t be published and if somebody has published something, maybe they’ll be prosecuted.”
He added that he felt disclosure of membership should be optional.
The list of members was circulated on Twitter shortly after the general election in April.
Jurat Hodgetts said public perception of the group was misinformed, and stated: “I know there’s nothing evil about Freemasonry.”
He added: “We are in danger of being accused of trying to advance ourselves by saying we’re a Mason, and if we don’t say we’re a Mason then we’re secret and we’ve got something to hide.”
He said: “The thing about Freemasonry that people aren’t concentrating on is the fact that the only organisation that gives more money to charity is the National Lottery in the United Kingdom.”
He said: “We’re about trying to make ourselves better citizens, in fact we promise to do so.
“We raise money from our own pockets for charity – that’s what Freemasons are about.”
Guernsey’s politicians are currently not required to declare membership of the Freemasons.
Further Reading:
Grand Master Juratt Hodgetts. Hmmmmm.