The Times: Italy clamps down on masons after mafia links exposed

The legislation is being proposed after police raids on the four largest freemasonry orders in Italy discovered 193 mob-linked masons on the orders’ secret membership lists in Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy.

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ABC ‘World News Tonight’ with Bro. James Comey and Bro. David Muir

Justin Raimondo: Pro-tip for ‘libertarians’ – If you find yourself on the same side as the C.I.A., the F.B.I., the N.S.A. & Kurt Eichenwald, it’s time to re-evaluate

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Shriners Secret Sub-Group Royal Order of Jesters Named in I.R.S. Probe after F.B.I. D.O.J. Investigation Sat Mar 19, 2011 Jesters Named By Sandy Frost Royal Order of Jesters Vanity Plate The tax man approacheth. Imagine answering the door to

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